Serge Rigvava: Model Off Duty

What music are you listening to right now?
I have an eclectic mix, it’s the thought of pin it down to the one thing. I guess an album I’m listening to a lot is ‘Untitled Unmastered’ by Kendrick Lamar , but I also listen to ‘LCD Soundsystem’ a fair bit because they’re always good just getting into a mindset for shows.
What are you looking forward to during men's fashion week?
It sounds weird but I’m looking forward to castings, first time, because my first season I wasn’t casting for anything because I had an exclusive with Burberry. Running round is actually going to be quite exciting, although I properly won’t say that the end of the week! I met up with Simon Jorgensen, going round to a few castings with him because we’ve been having the same ones. So that’s pretty fun, it’s nice to catch up with people. I went to a casting today a pre-casting at Burberry for their show in September and I know so many people from the company now, and so I get lots of smiles. It’s just really friendly

What do you like to do in London?
When I’m in London, if I’m not working, then I like going to art galleries. I have a few favourites ,in the spots around the city so often really visit those going round the city, yes so a lot of that kind of thing. I go to a few different bars and pubs, I’m still trying to find my way around a bit. I do enjoy going to Shoreditch and Hoxton is always good for having an evening, and around Hackney - there’s a lot of interesting stuff going around there.

For people looking for model tips, how do you relax after the shows?
After the shows, I do different things so it depends what I’ve got on for the rest of the day. Sometimes I just get on with what’s next, if I’ve got more castings something to fit for another show, or another show but yes if the end of the day, sometimes it’s just nice to wind down. I’m staying with my sister right now, but it’s the last time before I get my new place, I think she’s getting a bit tired of me!