Beyond Stereotype
Should you follow your secret dreams?
Do you stand a chance as a ramp model?
Read on to get a reality check
NOT ‘ARYAN’ GOOD LOOKS: Translates to sharp nose, long hair, big eyes... You get the picture. Not required at all. Leno, a top model hails from Nagaland and looks arresting but has none of these ‘look’ pointers. Ujjwala Raut, who topped the charts, is anything but conventionally
good looking.
CAN’T SPEAK THE QUEEN’S ENGLISH: Did you know Madhu Sapre had a strong Marathi accent? She went on to rule the world... Yes diction and language count but it’s not something you cannot acquire; you can, and easily enough.
What you do need in plenty is confidence in yourself. Know what you can change, make a plan, and go through with it. Then just check out the right platforms...
(Read ‘The First Step’)
Yes, to be a ramp model you do need have height, ideally 5 ft 8 inches at least. (Don’t lose heart – modelling per se is still very much an option.) You may be lucky enough to have the height, but hesitate on many other counts. Banish these blues if they are holding you back!
BEING DUSKY: While it ceased to be an issue years ago, today, Brown is the new Fair. You just need to ensure your skin’s healthy, glowing and toned. Diandra Soares, Nethra Raghuraman, Carol Gracias.... would never have made if it
was otherwise.
NOT THIN ENOUGH: Or so you feel. France is one of the leading countries to have instituted laws to ensure aneroxic models are barred. So yes, drop the baggage, and you can do it, but only to get to your optimum weight, the healthy way.