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United Kingdom 18 years old 176 cm

Star sign: Capricorn

Instagram: @shreya.lachman222

Alternate career path:

My alternate path would be to continue my growing passion of fashion design and create my own sustainable fashion brand that makes a positive impact on the world to put as little strain on the environment as possible. A brand that explores new and innovative textile techniques to create unique and cutting-edge garments.

What are you studying right now?

I’m studying Fashion Design, Photography, Business and Geography. Next year, I hope to study Fashion Design at University. I hope to continue my passion in both Fashion Design and Business to pave the path of my own sustainable fashion business in the future and to integrate my learning into my modeling career at the same time!

Describe yourself in 3 words: Creative, Kind, Determined

If you had to plan a perfect day, what would you do? 

My perfect day would be attending a Ballet performance at the Royal Opera House or watching an inspiring or funny show at the West End with my family. My perfect day would also involve spending a day out at exhibitions/art galleries as I love learning about different cultures and traditions in fashion, and art. 

If you had to dress only with one brand for the rest of your life, which brand (or designer) would you choose?

Stella McCartney.  

What is your dream travel destination?

I love traveling and exploring different cultures, architecture, art and fashion. I would love to visit Rajasthan in India to explore my culture and background through the opulence of temples and learn about the ancient textile techniques.

Most surprising hobby:

Playing the Indian Flute (Bansuri).

What did you want to be when you were younger? A professional ballet dancer.

What do you hope to learn from Elite Model Look?


I am super excited to be given this opportunity at EML and to take on all the learnings, skills and gems in order to grow and transform. I will take it as a stepping stone into becoming the best version of myself in the modeling industry.

It will also be amazing to meet like-minded models in the same industry from different countries to form international connections . It would be an amazing opportunity to gain insight into what the industry entails and what it could look like in the future. I want to explore the different aspects and opportunities that my modeling career holds and to allow things to unfold in time. When I commit to something I really give it my all and go for it, learn from industry experts and grow as a person and as a young model.