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From: Vienna, Austria.
My country is famous for: landscapes, lakes, rivers and mountains, St. Stephens Cathedral and music composers Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven.
My star sign: Libra.
My favourite models: Stella Lucia and Serge Rigvava, because both were in my school and it is impressive to see what they have achieved within a short period of time.
My model workout: running to define my body and cycling for stamina.
When I'm not modelling, I love: creating art, film photography and reading.
My most treasured possession: my camera and my clothes, because they represent my individual style.
My favourite smell: the Jean Paul Gaultier Classique perfume, which my girlfriend wears.
If I had a superpower, it would be: superhuman stamina, so that I would never get exhausted.
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