Nadine: We Must Support The #schoolstrike4climate Youth Climate Strikes

Make yourself heard!
"The Strike 4 Climate demonstrations are a good opportunity to show the governments how many people are going on the streets to speak out about why they are mad, worried or sad about climate change.

We are visitors on this planet
We need to take care of it and be nice to the world, and to each other. But right now, we are only using the planet, taking everything we can and not thinking about the future. If everybody worries a little bit more about how they treat the world, and each other, it will get better! Ordinary people can recycle their waste, big companies can use paper bottles and cups instead of plastic. We need to consume less animal products, this already helps the world because the dairy and meat industries are causing a lot of damage. Take shorter showers and cycle where you can. The little things can make a big difference!

Be loud, be proud
If I was a school student today, I would definitely be on the strike! What is a bigger lesson for children to stand up for their rights and for the planet where they need to live on the rest of their life? The kids who are getting involved with climate change action show us all that you are never too young, or too small, to make a difference, and that people can have a powerful voice when they organise together.

We have the chance to change history
To all the kids out there on strike, I say: use your voice as loudly as you can! I hope they inspire people to appreciate what we have on this planet. I am proud of the kids that show their love for the world around them, and brains for their future! I hope my own children will grow up in a better world than this.