Meet The Elite Booker: Katarina Kullmanova

You are working on EML Slovakia this year. What are you most looking forward to at the contest this year?
Just like every year, I’m looking forward to the whole process, from casting through semifinals to the big Final at Prague Castle. It’s always a challenge, we travel all over Slovakia looking for a new interesting face. We meet hundreds of young people every day and after semifinal phase we choose 12 Finalists. As a chaperone, I spend the time with Finalists at the specialized workshop one week before the Final. If I had to choose one part of the process, it would be the Slovak Final. It’s a magical evening seeing all our work from the whole year come together. It’s amazing to see the emotions of the whole team and all the Finalists on the big night.

What do you look for in the applicants at the castings?
The basic criteria are always height and age. Then during the interview we try to get know them better - their personality, their knowledge of English and how photogenic they are. We have to be sure we’re seeing future generation of supermodels in front of us. We are looking for that special something - personality, ambition and drive. They must always be willing to work hard, improve every day and stay motivated.

Have you always wanted to work in fashion?
It was always my dream but I didn’t expect it to happen so fast! I was utterly fascinated by the world “behind the scenes” that people usually don’t get to see. How the photoshoots, shows and castings are prepared, and how hundreds of people work for months on a show that is over in a few minutes! It is truly a magical industry.

What did you study before working in fashion?
I graduated from Commenius University in Bratislava and later Charles University in Prague, where I studied Ethnology and Culture Anthropology Studies. I learned all about communication, which is super important in my job. Equally I had a lot of part-time jobs and projects, that tested my skills, stamina and flexibility. But I really have to thank my team at Elite – I learned so much when I started working here!

What do you love about your job?
I have been here for three years and I love it! I like creative work, communication with people and working on projects where there is a visible result. It’s amazing to participate in building up a career for a young model. That feeling when you see that one girl in a crowd in a shopping mall and few years later seeing her as a model for Celine! It is true that this work requires your absolute 100% all the time so if you want to do this you must be really sure that it’s what you want to do, but I feel so lucky that I can say I have landed my dream job.

Who or what inspires you to succeed?
Definitely people I work with. Whether in the team, our clients or models. It’s incredible what people are capable of when they really want improve themselves. I’m also inspired by all the incredible women I know!

What are your passions outside work?
Travelling - I love to explore new places with my backpack on. It is the total freedom that I seek out to balance my work life. Besides travel, I love my family, friends, books and coffee!

What is your advice to anyone applying to EML in 2019?
Just come and join us at the casting and please be yourself!