My Model Resolutions 2018: Elite Model Look Top 15

Photo © Valeria Chenskaya via Instagram
Valeria Chenskaya
I plan to start singing this year! I want to take lessons, I think it would be nice to know how to sing.

Antonio Freitas
I want to grow as a model, get to work and support myself! Outside modelling, I think about one day starting a business. I still do not know what, but the more skills I can learn the better!

Photo © Lissa Doroshenko via Instagram
Lissa Doroshenko
This year, I'll study a lot, because I want to pass my exams. I'm going to go to the gym, and I’m doing a French course. And I'll work a lot on myself, with everything that happens in my life, because I want to do my best!

Photo © Hakil Haxhiu via Instagram
Hakil Haxhiu
This year I want to stop underestimating myself and I want to start be confident in any situation that life gives me because I can handle a lot more than I think!

Photo © Valeria Buldini via Instagram
Valeria Buldini
In 2018, I’d like to let go of all negativity. Fortunately, last year was mostly good memories - especially my journey with the Elite family, which helped me grow and make my dreams come true! It allowed me to set myself new goals. I want to improve my daily routine so I go to bed on time, and don’t lie in bed on my phone, to take time to look after myself, to meet new people and to go out for a run or a long walk more often, to get fresh air and enjoy being outside. Finally, I want to keep being the adventurous, polite, honest and helpful person that I’ve always tried to be. I really want to live this year as well as possible, without any regrets!

Photo © Siggi Steinar via Instagram
Siggi Steinar
My plan in 2018 is to stop eating everything with sugar like soda, candy, ice cream, and to eat healthier in general!

Natasa Kostova
I want to reduce stress, learn to eat broccoli, be cheerful and save money for a motorbike!

Beatriz Machado
In 2018 I want to start studying new languages and dedicate myself to my dream! I want to grow personally and professionally. I will start with English, which is a world language; I am also interested in Spanish.

Photo © Mona Tougaard via Instagram
Mona Tougaard
I think I want to go more in the gym, and to eat healthier. And I want to start to yoga!

Photo © Alessandro Caroppo via Instagram
Alessandro Caroppo
I would like 2018 to be an unforgettable year like 2017. For myself I would like to start reading more books, making new friends and visiting the Far East, continuing to travel through different continents. I want to stop wasting time, I procrastinate too much. And of course, learning more English. 2018, I trust you!

Photo © Petra Ugljarevic via Instagram
Petra Ugljarevic
I honestly wouldn't change ANYTHING in 2018, I just hope everything stays as good as it was last year, cause it was the best year of my life!

Elisa Bunel
In 2018, I want to do more sport and more activities, and of course I want to progress as a model.

Photo © Renée Immink via Instagram
Renée Immink
My resolutions for 2018 are: clean up my bedroom more often, and drink more water!

Photo © Han Vanwijnsberghe via Instagram
Han Vanwijnsberghe
This year, I want to have more discipline so I spend my time more efficiently. I want to exercise more and I want to focus more on modelling and my own goals. For the rest I want to keep my awesome friends and family because I like the people who I am surrounded by. That's it!

Photo © Nana Reznichenko via Instagram
Nana Reznichenko
I'm going to continue my modeling career! Modelling is definitely my main goal right now.