Serge Rigvava: Model Off Duty

Photo © Jonathan Daniel Pryce
What would you do if you weren't modelling?
Right now I would be in school, or I would work a summer job. One day I want to be an artist, musician or painter. Or I would go into graphic design, somewhere you can earn some money. I kind of am a musician right now. I write songs since I started playing guitar. That was two years ago, so I was 16 or so. I am in a band as well, with two other guys.

Photo © Jonathan Daniel Pryce
What kind of music are you into at the moment?
Rock’n’roll. The Who and Led Zeppelin. Or Dr Dre. He is so talented and he allows all his mates to rap as well; he is quite a good rapper himself.

Photo © Jonathan Daniel Pryce
How do you stay in shape?
I am quite lucky in the way that I my metabolism works overtime (laughs). But I also like to be to be active so I am outside a lot, skateboarding for example. And I stand up a lot playing guitar.

Photo © Jonathan Daniel Pryce
Do you like cooking?
No, I don’t - my mum cooks for me when I’m home! Well, my mum doesn't cook that well if I may say so (laughs). It is more my best friend who lives around the corner from me. He can make THE best food, ever. It is unreal! He cooks anything, some things are very unusual and adventurous things. It is always good. Or burgers - he makes the best burgers you will ever eat - if he ever ends up broke, he will become a chef! First thing I did when I came home was to go to his and eat a burger (laughs).

Photo © Jonathan Daniel Pryce
If you could have any kind of superpower, what would it be?
If I could have the superpower of one superhero, I would like it to be Hancock. He is indestructible and he can fly. If you have both, nothing can harm you! Next fashion week, I’m going to fly from casting to casting! (laughs)