Essential Survival Tips From Elite Models

Amanda Denis
My Elite Model Look survival tip is… drink coffee and enjoy every moment you spend with the team!
My number 1 tip for wellness is… I make my own ginger shots with ginger, matcha powder, grapes and lime! I have them in the morning. And anyone who doesn’t know about drinking water with lemon juice in the morning needs to try it immediately!
My top tip for a long flight or waiting at casting is… Get reading, or listen to music. There is a lot of waiting when you are a model and it’s essential you learn to pass the time! If you bring along something you love, you’ll even enjoy the time you have to yourself!
If I could give a 16-year-old me advice, I’d say… To be patient and let things happen.
The song that always gives me good vibes is… Passionfruit from Drake always gives me that energy to rock a photo shoot!

Adrian Calabria
My Elite Model Look survival tip is… talk with the photographers and the stylists! Get to know the people on set and you will create a new family around yourself
My number 1 tip for wellness is… I swim every week! And I eat a lot of fruit, my favourite are bananas. They are full of energy and they’re yellow and happy!
My top tip for a long flight or waiting at casting is… Headphones! I love music, so I never go to castings without them.
If I could give a 16-year-old me advice, I’d say… trust in yourself and live the for the moment. You only get one shot at this!
The song that always gives me good vibes is… Adventure of a Lifetime by Coldplay!

Andrea Negredo
My Elite Model Look survival tip is… get good sleep and a good breakfast before the job, so you stay fresh and with energy through the day!
My number 1 tip for wellness is… eat well, drink tons of water, work out and of course good rest! It’s not about being perfect, but if you aim to get it right 80% of the time you will create a strong foundation to be the best you can be.
My top tip for a long flight or waiting at casting is… In castings I like to talk with other girls while waiting! You meet so many cool people when you do modelling as a job.
If I could give a 16-year-old me advice, I’d say… Be kind, grateful and happy. Stay motivated, with hard work you can achieve everything you dream of, and feel blessed for what you have.
The song that always gives me good vibes is… This Is How We Do It by Montell Jordan. I like R&B and Hip-Hop, so anything with a good beat will get me rocking!

Natalia Viñas
My Elite Model Look survival tip is… have a good breakfast that can keep you energized the whole day.
My number 1 tip for wellness is… adding superfoods to my meals! They have a lot of health benefits, and my favourites are avocado, kale, chia seeds or oatmeal. And make water your best friend!
My top tip for a long flight or waiting at casting is… I always keep a book with me so I can read whenever I can! With a good book, you don’t notice the time go past, and you can escape to another world.
The song that always gives me good vibes is… ATARAXIA by La Casa Azul! So good, it takes me to a happy place.